Sacred Call (2022)

47,2x31,5 in ~ Pintura, Acrílico

Comprar o original: € 1.450,00 + Entrega
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Modern man is faced with today's challenges which arise with great difficulty each new day. With each new scientific discovery, the unknown grows exponentially, and ideological confrontation emerges. Internal conflict begins as the fruit of thought and reflection. However, at his core and as a possible answer to his restlessness, he feels the call.
A call that invites him to return home, to his origins, to the earth, to the sacred itself, embracing its sacredness, its divinity, its spirituality. To ignore this sacred call is to not allow the reunion with the Self, after all we are spirit, we have a soul, and we inhabit a body to have a human experience. We need to feel the pulse of the Earth, to be in connection with nature, with life, in communion and respect for all beings and to listen to the Great Spirit, the Creative Source of all that Is.

Shipping in 7 days on a crate ready to hang with with hooks on the back and with certificate of authenticity signed and dated.

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