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Wilson's family (2021)

31,9x39,4 in ~ Pintura, Acrílico

Comprar o original: € 1.560,00 + Entrega
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This is an image that speaks of love, of a love without color, smell, or creeds, that speaks of love as a means of sustenance for the human soul.
“Wilson's family" is an attempt to allegorically represent love.
The title of this work refers to a clear allusion between the face of the eldest son of this sui generis family and the imaginary character Wilson (volleyball) created by Tom Hanks in the movie "The cast away". The psychological bond created by a volleyball as the only friend, symbolizes the intrinsic human need to love and belong, a factor that can save us sometimes from the most inhospitable places.
The artist has thus recreated in this work a manifestation of affection and love in a family that apparently has as much of the grotesque and strange as the sublime and divine.

It'll ship on a wooden crate, ready to hang, with hooks on the back, gallery wrapped and stretched on a supported wooden frame, no need for framing cause the edges are painted, with Certificate of Authenticity included.
Shipping in 7 days.

©2021 Luís Bastos. All rights reserved.

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