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The Renewal (2020) Sold

150x100 cm ~ Painting, Acrylic


The "renewal" is a reflection on our capacity to reinvent ourselves, as often as necessary, by breaking ties that prevent us from evolving, we lick our wounds and find the strength that allows us to be reborn. It is a symbolism to the meaning of walking the path and all its stages, where falling and getting up is a constant. The ascension of the phoenix from the ashes to the point of extinction in a perpetual cycle is conveyed by the artist through the abstract forms executed and minutely placed to lead the visualization from bottom to top and from left to right to the bird's eye where it ends in a vacuum and returns to observe the work again, thus completing ... a cycle.
Work executed with spatula in acrylic on canvas, sold in 2020.

©2020 Luís Bastos. All rights reserved.

Note: the images presented here are for display purpose only and may vary from the reality of the object.


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