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The Seagull and the Crow (2020) Sold

120x180 cm ~ Painting, Acrylic, Enamel


17th work from the Synapse series. Dripping with enamel on acrylic background on canvas. Abstract expressionism, without any figurative representativeness.
Inspirational theme:
In every canvas a story and this one does not escape the rule, this abstraction had as inspiration the internal struggle, in the deconstruction of my being, in the dilapidation of the superficial layers trying to bring out what is deeper, a search for the essence. This conflict, represented on canvas by the most contrasting black and white forms, i.e., by the seagull and the raven, suggests a relationship, and one that is sometimes intense between the artist and his practice and ethics and the dark side that sometimes assails him and takes over his will. What results is the constant attempt to find the balance that leads him to reflected decisions that may change his destiny forever.

©2020 Luís Bastos. All rights reserved.


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